TierPeak | Opportunities

TierPeak is designed to help small and medium-sized businesses effectively manage their customer relationships.

TierPeak offers a variety of features for gathering information about potential customers, segmenting contacts, and managing interactions with clients.

TierPeak Survey WebChat

Information capture

For information capture on potential clients, TierPeak enables automated data collection from web forms, integration with social media platforms, as well as gathering and consolidating customer data.

Web forms, surveys, and ChatBots can be utilized on a TierPeak website, WordPress site, or integrated into the content management system of your choice.

These features allow businesses to gather relevant information about potential clients, centralize and organize it for easy analysis and future use.

Contact segmentation

TierPeak offers the creation of targeted mailing lists, segmentation based on behavioral or interest criteria, and automation for assigning contacts to specific segments.

These features allow businesses to gain a better understanding of their customers' needs and interests and provide them with targeted and personalized communications.

Are you using Shopify? TierPeak is the perfect tool for tracking abandoned shopping carts, sales, and merchandise shipments.

TierPeak segmentation
TierPeak Conversation

All your communications centralized

Real-time synchronization of your Gmail or Microsoft Outlook emails or texts messages (SMS). Facebook Messenger conversations, Instagram Direct Messages, Google My Business messages, and WebChat, all in one place.

For customer interaction management, TierPeak allows you to retain interaction history, centralize communications with customers, handle support requests, and automate the sending of personalized messages.

These features enable businesses to better manage their customer interactions, provide quick and accurate responses to their inquiries, and maintain constant communication with them.

Discover how TierPeak can help you maximize your sales.

During a 45-minute demonstration with our experts, discover how TierPeak's features can help your business take it to the next level.

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The TierPeak mission is to build a better future

where technology helps create good jobs for all.

TierPeak are a proud Quebec company in Canada.



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